Introducing the LITITZ OUTSIDER!
Welcome, fellow Outsiders! With our inaugural issue of the Lititz Outsider, our goal is to bring together folks who, like us, love the outdoors and care about our planet. Here, we’ll share tips about our favorite hiking and biking trails, highlight local organizations whose missions matter, share upcoming events, and show off some of our favorite outdoorsy apparel and gear.
Who are the Outsiders?
Wondering who “we” are? We’re the team from Lititz Bikeworks and Earth to Lititz – owners Mark and Rebecca Branle (photographed below), Lititz Bikeworks Shop Manager, Josh Kreiser, and Earth to Lititz retail MVP, Jenn Simmons.
We want to include YOU!
You’ll likely receive this newsletter because, like us, you love spending time outdoors. Show us! We’d be so grateful if you would send your favorite hiking, biking, or just enjoying the outdoors pics to us. Bonus if you’re wearing or riding our gear! If we use your pics on our social media pages or this newsletter, you’ll earn 50% off any one item at Earth to Lititz! Send your pics to: [email protected]
How do I get the newsletter?