Lititz Run Stream Clean-up day
The Lititz Run Watershed Alliance (LRWA) will be conducting their Lititz Run Stream Clean-up day on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 8 a.m. until 11:00a.m. This program is being sponsored by the PA Great American Clean-up. Volunteers who would care to participate are asked to contact Heidi Bushong at 717-626-8900 or email her
Mission Statement
Improve the quality of life within the Community by developing and implementing a Comprehensive Plan for the Lititz Run Watershed. This endeavor will focus the community on improving its water quality through a comprehensive long-term watershed management strategy. The strategy combines techniques in natural resource management, land use planning and education.
The Lititz Run Watershed Alliance (LRWA) is committed to the protection, sound management and enhancement of the Lititz Run Watershed. The LRWA shall accomplish these aims by raising public awareness, natural resource conservation, land use planning techniques, education and community involvement.
Who We Are:
The LRWA is a non-profit Pennsylvania corporation, incorporated in 1997. We are a cohesive group of individual citizens, businesses, farmers, conservation organizations and local, state and federal government representatives. We have joined together to a common purpose; a comprehensive approach to continual water quality within the Lititz Run Watershed.
What Is A Watershed?
A watershed is the land that water flows across or under on its way to a stream, river or lake. We are all a part of a watershed community. The decisions we make daily regarding the way we treat the soil, water, air, plants and animals around us affects our watershed as well as larger watersheds downstream. The Lititz Run begins in Lititz Springs Park, flows east and south through Lititz Borough and Warwick Township picking up flows from the Santo Domingo Creek, Hubers Run and numerous springs. Eventually it flows into the Conestoga River which in turn flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Along the way it flows through the Millport conservancy, where hikers and fisherman alike enjoy the trails that are maintained by the Alliance. Lititz Run Stream Clean-up day is an essential piece to preserving this beautiful stretch of clean water in Lititz.